Sponsor Sales

Diamond Sponsor - $5,000.00
All the benefits of PLATINUM sponsorship plus:
- Recognized as key annual sponsor at opening ceremony
- Five-minute company presentation at open ceremony and one additional dinner event
- Ability to bring up two (2) guests to every event
- Season long Banner presence on PBCEPC website’s home page with direct link to your company’s website
- Tabletop and Exclusive Slideshow recognition at all events
- Exclusive presentation table at their individual event for marketing materials

Ruby Sponsor - $3,500.00
Recognized as the exclusive sponsor of an individual Council social event
- Five-minute company presentation at sponsored social event
- Ability to bring up three (3) guests to the sponsored social event and two (2) guests to an additional event of their choosing
- Company logo and link on the Palm Beach County Estate Planning Council website homepage
- Tabletop recognition at sponsored social event & prominent company logo on event email invitation
- Enhanced presence on the Palm Beach County Estate Planning Council website
- Enhanced presence on the Palm Beach County Estate Planning Council website, in the Palm Beach Post Annual Estate Planning Advertisement and the Estate Planning Supplement
- Enhanced presence on Sponsor Board displayed at all breakfast/dinner meetings
- Social media exposure through Council’s Facebook and LinkedIn postings throughout the year

Platinum Sponsor - $2,500.00
All the benefits of GOLD sponsorship plus:
- Exclusive event sponsor for breakfast meetings (A single Platinum sponsor will be paired with a Diamond for one of the dinner meetings)
- Five-minute company presentation at sponsored event
- Ability to bring two (2) complimentary guest to sponsored event
- Company logo on sponsor board displayed at all breakfast/dinner meetings
- Prominent company logo on event email invitation
- Prominent company logo table top signs at each table of event
- Enhanced presence on the Palm Beach County Estate Planning Council website, in the Palm Beach Post Annual Estate Planning Advertisement and the Estate Planning Supplement
- Enhanced presence on Sponsor Board displayed at all breakfast/dinner meetings

Gold Sponsor - $1,000.00
- Presentation table for marketing materials at year-end sponsor appreciation event
- Company acknowledgment by the council president at designated sponsored event and ability to bring one (1) guest to designated event (Designated sponsor event will be scheduled per arrangements with Administrative Staff)
- Company Logo and Link on the Palm Beach County Estate Planning Council website
- Company name / logo on Sponsor Board displayed at all breakfast/dinner meetings
- Your Name and Company’s Name listed in the Estate Planning Supplement
- Company logo and name listed in the Palm Beach Post Annual Estate Planning Advertisement
- Social media exposure through Council's Facebook and LinkedIn postings
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Gavin McNally, Committee Chair, at GM@PrimorisWealthAdvisors.com. Thank you for your support of the Palm Beach County Estate Planning Council!